Artificial Intelligence, The Metaverse and Consciousness with Dr Catriona Wallace

Troy is joined by Dr Catriona Wallace one of the world’s most cited experts on the topics of AI, the Metaverse, Web3, responsible tech, women in leadership and the future of work. Troy first met Cat back in July when he attended a technology and meditation event she was hosting in Byron Bay. The event brought together a group of 40 people, half were leaders of spiritual communities and the other half were technologists to explore the intersection between technology and consciousness.

As a follow up conversation from the event… Their discussion covers everything from why regulation and ethics are imperative in the emerging Metaverse, where technology is leading us, what that means for humanity and consciousness itself and how we best prepare ourselves for a future of unprecedented change. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Catriona as much as we did.

Who is Dr Catriona Wallace?

Dr Cartriona Wallace is a Woman, a Mother of 5 and a Medicine Woman in training.

She has been recognised by the Australian Financial Review as the Most Influential Woman in Business & Entrepreneurship. Cat is the founder of the Responsible Metaverse Alliance and the Executive Chair of Boab AI – Artesian Capital’s AI Accelerator and VC fund. Catriona was also the Founder of Ethical AI Advisory, now part of the Gradient Institute, where Catriona is a Director.

#7. The Brain on Psilocybin

The Brain on Psilocybin Based on clinical trials at Imperial College, London researchers analysed fMRI scans of 15 people after being injected with psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, and compared them to scans of their brain activity after receiving a placebo. See full research article here   “In a normal brain, many things are […]

#6. Positive Priming

Prime Yourself It’s been over 3 years now that I’ve been working within the Transformative Technologies community supporting entrepreneurs and innovators to build human centred technologies that help us evolve our wellbeing. I’ve got to experience some really cool tech and work with their founders. One of my favourites which is also a daily go […]

Tech for dreaming – Lucid Dreaming on Demand with Brian Gilan

Troy is joined by Brian Gilan as they explore everything from the Oura Ring as a market technology for measuring and optimising sleep to dropping deep into the lucid dreaming space… What is it? How do you do it? Why would you want to do it? What does the dreamscape show us about our waking reality and is our waking state a dream?

Our discussion unfolds beautifully as we discuss what a utopian future might look like. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Brian as much as I did.

#5. End of Suffering

End of Suffering

Are You Suffering? As someone who grew up with an acute sense of suffering, I know what it’s like to move through the ebs and flows of suffering. For me at times I felt expansive and in those times I could clearly see where I was going, but then something would inevitably trigger a mental […]

The Light and Dark of Technologies inc AI (Ascended Intelligence) with Rak Razam

Troy is joined by Rak Razam for a discussion of all things technologies and consciousness from meditation, psychedelics, metaverse, AI (artificial intelligence or ascended intelligence) as tools for the development of a utopian future. As technology continues to evolve exponentially how does humanity ensure that we are creating a future that is desirable for all. Who are we really and what can we become?

Our discussion unfolds beautifully as we look backwards before looking forwards into what a utopian future might look like.

Rak Razam is an alchemical storyteller with his finger on the pulse of tomorrow and the heart of today. A screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, journalist and shamanic medicine ambassador, his focus is on the cultural paradigm birthing in this brave new world.

# 4. Are We In A Simulation

Is our brain and body a sophisticated VR kit and haptic suit?  The brain has trouble distinguishing between the real world as we know it as a virtual world. It perceives the virtual world as real. Have you ever had a VR experience where your body reacted as if the experience was real.  If you […]

The Intersection Between Technology and Consciousness with Troy Haines

Troy introduces the Two Paths Podcast. Is technology taking us into a desirable future? Are we in control of ourselves? What does the future of technology and consciousness look like? Will we still be human in the future?

As I learn about the advances and application of technologies along with evolving human consciousness, the two paths podcast shares the progression of my learning as I lean into a future that integrates technology and consciousness… I’ll share interviews with experts in both technology and consciousness as we explore – what are we evolving into?

Getting The Most From Oura Ring

Getting the Most from Oura Ring Sharing a throwback video from March 2021, where I interviewed Brian Gilan Senior Product Manager at Oura Ring about all things Oura Ring (a sleep and performance wearable technology).   Oura is a key piece of tech we teach you how to get the most from as part of […]

#3. Sleep Stages and States 

Understanding the Stages and States of Sleep  If you’ve ever spent a night tossing and turning, you already know how you’ll feel the next day — tired, cranky, and out of sorts. But missing out on the recommended 6.5 to 9 hours of shut-eye nightly does more than make you feel groggy and grumpy. The […]